San pellegrino momenti clementine & peach
San pellegrino momenti clementine & peach

san pellegrino momenti clementine & peach san pellegrino momenti clementine & peach

I needed to find a way to jury-rig a similar effect for a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately, the asking price for that Trinnov processor is absurdly beyond my budget. The better solution is to install additional speakers in the center between the other height channels (Top Middle position). Those speakers are now fixed in place with wiring through the walls and ceiling, and I can’t move them without remodeling the room. This issue is compounded by the fact that the locations where I had installed speakers when I built the home theater (before immersive audio was a concern I gave any thought to) were less than ideal for Atmos. That, combined with a low ceiling, makes it difficult for just four speakers (two in the front of the room and two in the back) to image a sound above my head convincingly.

san pellegrino momenti clementine & peach

My own home theater is a long room with a lot of space behind my seats. Nonetheless, for some of us, a limit of four height channels isn’t enough to fill the top of the room with sound.

San pellegrino momenti clementine & peach